1. Exported Rigs
  2. Controlling a Rig Instance

Exported Rigs

Controlling a Rig Instance

Selecting the Rig Instance

Before we can control a Rig Instance, we need to be able to select it. The following selectors can be used to select Rig Instances:

Select all Rig Instances

Select all Rig Instances from a specific Blueprint
        @e[type=item_display, tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root]


Moving and Rotating the Rig Instance

Similar to how we control normal entities in Minecraft, we can move and rotate Rig Instances using the tp command.

Move a Rig Instance 5 blocks towards positive X
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] at @s run \
	tp @s ~5 ~ ~

Rotate a Rig Instance 90 degrees
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] at @s run \
	tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~90 ~


Controlling Animation Playback

Animation playback is controlled using functions. Each animation has a set of functions that can be called to control it. Animation functions must be ran as the root entity of the Rig Instance.

Play Function

Starts playing the animation from the beginning.

Play the walk animation
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/play


Pause Function

Pauses the animation at the current frame.

Pause the walk animation
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/pause


Resume Function

Resumes the animation from the current frame.

Resume the walk animation
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/resume


Stop Function

Stops the animation and resets it to the beginning.

Stop the walk animation
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/stop


Apply Frame Function

Sets the animation to a specific frame with interpolation.


Name Type Description
frame Integer The frame to set the animation to.
Set the walk animation to frame 10 with interpolation
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/apply_frame {frame: 10}


Set Frame Function

Sets the animation to a specific frame instantly without interpolation.


Name Type Description
frame Integer The frame to set the animation to.
Set the walk animation to frame 10
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/set_frame {frame: 10}


Tween Function

Pauses all currently playing animations, and smoothly transitions to the target frame of this animation over the duration, then resumes the animation from the target frame.


Name Type Description
to_frame Integer The frame of this animation to tween to.
duration Integer The duration of the tween in ticks.
Smoothly transition the walk animation to frame 10 over a second
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/animations/walk/tween {to_frame: 10, duration: 20}


Applying Variants

Variants can be applied to the Rig Instance using the desired Variant's apply function.

Apply the angry Variant
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/variants/angry/apply


There is no way to remove a Variant individually once it has been applied. To reset the Variant to it's default state, you can apply the default Variant.

Apply the default Variant
        execute as @e[type=item_display,tag=aj.<export_namespace>.root] run \
	function animated_java:<export_namespace>/variants/default/apply


Applying the default Variant will not remove any NBT the Variant has modified due to bone configs.

You will have to manually reset the NBT to it's default state, or re-summon the Rig Instance.