1. The Blueprint Format
  2. Locators

The Blueprint Format


Locators are points in space that can be used to execute commands at specific positions / rotations relative to your Rig Instance.

Looking for how to interact with a Locator in-game? Check out Interacting with Locators.

Creating a Locator

To create a locator, locate the Add Locator button above the outliner.


If this button isn't there, you can press h and then search for Add Locator.

Config Options

  • Use Entity

    If enabled, the locator will have an entity associated with it.

  • Entity Type

    The entity type of the locator's entity.

    Requires Use Entity to be enabled.

  • Summon Commands

    The commands that will be executed when the locator is summoned.

    Requires Use Entity to be enabled.

  • Ticking Commands

    Custom commands that will be executed every tick.

    If Use Entity is enabled, the commands will be executed as the locator's entity.

Animating Locators

Position / Rotation

Locators must be a child of a Bone in order to be positioned / rotated.

Command Keyframes

When selecting a Locator in Animate Mode, you can add Command Keyframes to it's Timeline to play commands at specific times during an animation.


Command Keyframe Options

  • Command

    The command(s) that will be executed. Supports multiple commands (one per line) similar to a mcfunction, and supports MC-Build syntax.

  • Repeat?

    If enabled, the command will be executed every Repeat Frequency ticks until the next keyframe.

  • Repeat Frequency

    The amount of ticks between each repeated command execution. A value of 1 will execute the command every tick.

    Repeat Frequency is relative to the animation, and will pause / play with the animation.

    If your animation's length is not evenly divisible by the Repeat Frequency, the time between the last command execution and the end of the animation will be less than the Repeat Frequency.

  • Execute Condition

    A condition that must be met in order for the command to be executed.

    Expects a chain of execute sub-commands without execute or run.

    A Simple Execute Condition
            if entity @s[tag=my_tag]
    A More Complex Execute Condition
            aligned xyz positioned ~.5 ~ ~.5 if entity @n[tag=my_tag,distance=..0.1]