Data Pack Exporter Settings

Data Pack

The path to a valid Data Pack's pack.mcmeta file

Animated Java will automatically merge the exported Data Pack with the existing one.

Outdated Rig Warning

If this is enabled, the exporter will highlight outdated Rigs on reload if there are any that were summoned before the latest export.

Include Convenience Functions

Whether to include convenience functions in the generated Data Pack.

The convenience functions are simplified functions (Like the summon/<variant_name> functions) that are easier to use, but less flexible.

You may want to disable them if you don't use them, or if you want to reduce the size of the generated Data Pack.

Root Entity NBT

Custom NBT to add to the root entity of the Rig

Note that this NBT will be merged with the NBT that the Exporter creates. Overwriting any conflicting values.

Function Toggles

These toggles control whether the exporter will generate functions for the specified features.

Function Tag Toggles

These toggles control whether the exporter will generate function tags for the specified features.