Data Pack Exporter Rig Structure

This page explains how the Rig is structured in-game. And how to select specific entities within it.

Root Entity

The root entity is the entity that controls the position and orientation of the Rig in-game.

It also handles all of the animation logic, and is the only entity you should ever have to worry about when using Animated Java.

The most common way to select the root entity is by type and tag

execute as @e[type=#animated_java:root,tag=aj.<project_name>.root] ...

Bone Entities

The bone entities are the visual entities of the Rig. They display the model and are animated by the data pack.

Generally there is no need to interact with the bone entities directly, Animated Java does a pretty good job of handling everything for you.

However if you ever need to select them, you can do so by type and tag

execute as @e[type=#animated_java:bone,tag=aj.<project_name>.bone.<bone_name>] ...

Bone Config

The bone config can be accessed by right clicking a group/bone in the outliner.

Bone Config

The Bone config allows you to configure a few aspects of the bone entity:

  • Bone Entity NBT

    Custom NBT that will be applied to the bone entity when it is created.

    Note that this NBT will be merged with the NBT that the Exporter creates. Overwriting any conflicting values.


Locators are used to animate custom entities. They support position and rotation.

You can configure the entity and NBT of the locator via the locator config.

Locators will not be teleported with the rig while it's idle. It must be actively animated to have the locators follow it.

You can select the locator's entity via tag:

execute as @e[tag=aj.<project_name>.locator.<locator_name>] ...

Locator Config

The locator config can be accessed by right clicking a locator in the outliner.

Locator Config

The Locator config allows you to configure a few aspects of the locator entity:

  • Entity Type

    The entity the locator will animate.

  • Entity NBT

    Custom NBT that will be applied to the entity when it is created.

    Note that this NBT will be merged with the NBT that the Exporter creates with the Exporter's NBT taking priority. Overwriting any conflicting values.


Cameras are just fancy locators that support rotation and include an offset that places the entity's head exactly at the camera's position if it's an armor stand.

Cameras will not be teleported with the rig while it's idle. It must be actively animated to have the cameras follow it.

You can select the camera's entity via tag:

execute as @e[tag=aj.<project_name>.camera.<camera_name>] ...

To use a camera in-game, simply have the player spectate it.

Camera Config

The camera config can be accessed by right clicking a camera in the outliner.

Camera Config

The Camera config allows you to configure a few aspects of the camera entity:

  • Entity Type

    The entity the camera will animate.

  • Entity NBT

    Custom NBT that will be applied to the entity when it is created.

    Note that this NBT will be merged with the NBT that the Exporter creates with the Exporter's NBT taking priority. Overwriting any conflicting values.