Data Pack Exporter's Data Pack

Here you can find information on the exported functions, tags, and more inside of the Data Packs created by the Data Pack Exporter.

Function Arguments

Function arguments are handled via fakeplayers stored in the aj.i scoreboard. Their names start with # to distinguish them.

Summon Function

The summon function is used to summon a rig in-game.

/function animated_java:<project_name>/summon


  • #variant The ID of the variant to apply to the Rig.
  • #animation The animation to extract the summon pose from. (Defaults to -1, the model's default pose without animations.)
  • #frame The frame of the selected animation to apply to the Rig. Only used if #animation is also specified.

The following example will summon a Rig with variant ghost and the pose of animation test at frame 20.

scoreboard players operation #variant aj.i = $aj.<project_name>.variant.ghost
scoreboard players operation #animation aj.i = $aj.<project_name>.animation.test
scoreboard players set #frame aj.i 20
function animated_java:<project_name>/summon

Variant Summon Functions

The variant summon functions are convenience functions that allow you to summon a rig with a specific variant without needing scoreboard arguments.

Note that these functions can be disabled via the Data Pack Exporter settings.

/execute as @e[type=#animated_java:root,tag=aj.<project_name>.root] run function animated_java:<project_name>/summon/<variant_name>

Apply Variant Functions

You can swap Variants on a model via the set_variant functions.

/execute as @e[type=#animated_java:root,tag=aj.<project_name>.root] run function animated_java:<project_name>/set_variant/<variant_name>

Animation Playback Functions

You can control the playback of a Rig's animations by executing the animation's control functions as the root entity of the Rig.

/execute as @e[type=#animated_java:root,tag=aj.<project_name>.root] run function animated_java:<project_name>/<animation_name>/play

Note that when you start or resume a new animation, you first need to pause/stop any other playing animations on the Rig that affect the same bones or the animation will break.

You can pause all animations at once using the pause_all_animations function.

/execute as @e[type=#animated_java:root,tag=aj.<project_name>.root] run function animated_java:<project_name>/animations/pause_all


Plays the animation from the beginning.


Pauses the animation at it's current frame.


Resumes the animation from it's current frame.


Stops the animation and resets it to the first frame.


Tweens the Rigs current animation pose to the first frame of the tweening animation, then plays the tweened animation.


  • #tween_duration - The duration of the tween transition in ticks.


Tweens the Rigs current animation pose to the frame at in the tweening animation at the current aj.anim_time, Then resumes the tweened animation.


  • #tween_duration - The duration of the tween transition in ticks.