Project Settings

Each Animated Java Rig has a set of settings unique to it that you can configure.


This group of settings is used to configure the project as a whole.

Project Name

The project name is both the name of your project, and the namespace you'll use to run the functions in-game.

For example: If your project namespace was my_epic_project, then you'd run all of your project's functions via /function my_epic_project:...

Project Resolution

The resolution of your project's UV map.

Target Minecraft Version

The Minecraft version that your project will be exported for.

If you're exporting to 1.19.4, keep in mind that item displays have multiple rendering issues that are fixed in 1.20.

Resource Pack

This group of settings is used to configure the resource pack that is generated for your project.

When not using advanced resource pack settings, Animated Java will automatically take care of injecting all your rig's files into the resource pack you select.

Rig Item

The item that will be used to display your rig in-game.

Animated Java will automatically merge the models if you select the same item for multiple rigs.

Basic Resource Pack Settings

Resource Pack

The path to the pack.mcmeta file of the resource pack to export your rig into.

Animated Java keeps track of all of the textures used by your model and automatically exports them as needed to the assets/<project_name>_animated_java_rig/textures/item folder. If the texture is already present in the resource pack, it will be referenced instead.

Advanced Resource Pack Settings

Rig Item Model

The path to the item model of the item you want to use to display your rig in-game.

Rig Export Folder

The path to the folder where your rig's models will be exported to.

Texture Export Folder

The path to the folder where your rig's textures will be exported to.

Animated Java keeps track of all of the textures used by your model and automatically exports them to the selected folder. If the texture is already present in a valid resource pack, it will be referenced instead.

Please note that if your texture folder is in a separate resource pack from the Rig Item Model or Rig Export Folder, you'll need to make sure those resource packs are loaded in-game as well in order to see your rig's textures.

Exporter Settings


The exporter to use to export your rig.

Exporter Section

The selected exporter's settings.

You can find exporter specific setting documentation in their respective pages