1. Rigs
  2. Rig Entity Tags


Rig Entity Tags

Rig Entities can be selected using a variety of tags. This page lists all available tags and their descriptions.


The tags listed on this page are only available in Animated Java v.1.6.2 and later.

Global Tags

Name Description
aj.global.entity Targets all rig entities.
aj.global.root Targets all rig root entities.
aj.global.data Targets all rig data entities (Entities used by AJ to store NBT information per-rig).
aj.global.root.child Targets all entities that are direct child nodes of the root entity (i.e., all top-level nodes).
aj.global.root.child.<node_type> Same as aj.global.root.child but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.global.node Targets all entities that represent any node within the rig.
aj.global.display_node Targets all entities that represent one of the following node types: bone, item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.global.vanilla_display_node Targets all entities that represent one of the following node types: item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.global.<node_type> Targets all entities of a specific node type, such as bone, camera, locator, item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.global.<node_type>.<node_name> Same as aj.global.<node_type>, but additionally targets entities with a specific node name <node_name>.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.child Targets all entities that are direct child nodes of a bone with the name <bone_name>.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.child.<node_type> Same as aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.child but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.descendant Targets all entities that are descendant nodes of a bone with the name <bone_name>.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.descendant.<node_type> Same as above but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.tree Targets all entities in the hierarchy of a bone with the name <bone_name>. This includes the bone itself, all its child nodes, and all its descendant nodes at any depth.
aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.tree.bone Same as aj.global.bone.<bone_name>.tree but specifically targets bones.

Project-Specific Tags

Name Description
aj.<export_namespace>.entity Targets rig entities from <export_namespace>
aj.<export_namespace>.root Targets rig root entities from from <export_namespace>
aj.<export_namespace>.data Targets rig data entities from <export_namespace> (Entities used by AJ to store NBT information per-rig).
aj.<export_namespace>.root.child Targets entities from <export_namespace> that are direct child nodes of the root entity (i.e., all top-level nodes).
aj.<export_namespace>.root.child.<node_type> Same as aj.<export_namespace>.root.child but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.<export_namespace>.node Targets entities from <export_namespace> that represent any node within the rig.
aj.<export_namespace>.display_node Targets entities from <export_namespace> that represent one of the following node types: bone, item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.<export_namespace>.vanilla_display_node Targets entities from <export_namespace> that represent one of the following node types: item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.<export_namespace>.<node_type> Targets entities from <export_namespace> of a specific node type, such as bone, camera, locator, item_display, block_display, or text_display.
aj.<export_namespace>.<node_type>.<node_name> Same as aj.<export_namespace>.<node_type>, but additionally targets entities with a specific node name <node_name>.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.child Targets entities from <export_namespace> that are direct child nodes of a bone with the name <bone_name>.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.child.<node_type> Same as aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.child but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.descendant Targets entities from <export_namespace> that are descendant nodes of a bone with the name <bone_name>.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.descendant.<node_type> Same as above but specifically targets nodes of a given <node_type>.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.tree Targets entities from <export_namespace> in the hierarchy of a bone with the name <bone_name>. This includes the bone itself, all its child nodes, and all its descendant nodes at any depth.
aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.tree.bone Same as aj.<export_namespace>.bone.<bone_name>.tree but specifically targets bones.

Misc. Tags

Name Description
aj.new Targets all entities that have been created in the current tick.
aj.transforms_only Tells animation/apply_frame and animation/set_frame to ignore functional keyframes (variants or commands keyframes) when applying a frame. Should only be applied to the root entity.
aj.outdated_rig_text_display Targets all entities that are used in the outdated rig warning popup.
aj.<export_namespace>.animation.<animation_name>.playing Targets all entities that are currently playing the animation <animation_name>.
aj.<export_namespace>.animation.<animation_name>.tween_playing Targets all entities that are currently tweening to the animation <animation_name>.